
I developed the Spirited Baby Method after realizing that all too often commonly recommended strategies simply do NOT work for these infants wired with an arousal system built like a Lamborghini engine, high tech, sensitive, light to the touch and powerful. The Spirited Baby Method is an attentive, responsive approach that calms the finely tuned arousal system of these babies and addresses the needs of their parents as well. There’s no shaming or blaming here! Nor is anyone left in tears. Instead, you will find a refreshingly supportive approach that meets the needs of ALL family members. An approach that lets you know:
- You are not alone. Every year approximately 20 percent of all babies born are spirited.
- Your actions have not made your baby spirited. Spirited infants who can rocket from quiet and calm to red-faced and screaming in seconds are wired with a more reactive arousal system.
- It is not your imagination that you are working harder. A spirited baby needs extra amounts of attention, touch, and assistance to calm. Often the right response for the spirited baby runs contrary to traditionally recommended practices.
- It is important to be compassionate to yourself. Your own need for sleep and decent food, a sense of rhythm and predictability to your day is real and legitimate. Taking care of you, is taking care of your baby.
- There are practical, research based, parent tested strategies to make life better. Strategies that honor this child’s passionate, persistent, sensitive, energetic, and alert temperament yet allow everyone to sleep, feed peacefully, socialize and enjoy many more smiles!
An exciting discovery is that the effectiveness of the Spirited Baby Method is not limited to spirited babies. Every parent of an infant experiences spirited baby moments! All parents will find this method and the Raising Your Spirited Baby book to be the helping hand they have hoped to find.
By the way, I’m Dr Mary an internationally recognized licensed parent educator, and best-selling author with over one million books in print. My work has been translated into 24 different languages and featured on national and international media sources such as Good Morning America, The New York Times, and Parents Magazine to name just a few.
Additional resources include:
- One-on-one consultations with me via Zoom or phone. MORE →
- My weekly newsletter delivered into your e-mail box. MORE →
- The Raising Your Spirited Child Facebook Group where you will find tens of thousands of parents who understand and support one another while raising their spirited babies and children. MORE →
Thanks so much for stopping by. You are not alone. Helping hands are here for you. Welcome!