Raising Your Spirited Baby Raising Your Spirited Child - Parent's Choice Award Winner Mary Sheedy Kurchinka - Raising Your Spirited Child Workbook Mary Sheedy Kurchinka - Kids, Parents and Power Struggles Mary Sheedy Kurchinka - Sleepless in America
Raising Your Spirited Child

“A well-written, comprehensive, and above all loving and positive approach to understanding that oh-so challenging child.”

Evonne Weinhaus and Karen Friedman, authors of
Stop Struggling with Your Child and Stop Struggling with Your Teen

“This is a marvelous, inspiring, usable gem of a guide for parents of these challenging and rewarding children. With its positive message of ‘progress not perfection,’ Raising Your Spirited Child is just what parents need.”

– Marjorie Hogan, M.D., pediatrician
, Minneapolis Children’s Medical Center

“Mary Sheedy Kurcinka packs these pages with wisdom, and has gentle, homey suggestions for keeping peace with children who are unusually intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent and energetic.”

– Dallas Morning News

“Our society values individuality yet organizes its institutions in such a way as to try to homogenize children. Mary Kurcinka’s focus is a good antidote. Raising Your Spirited Child is an impressive and entertaining book that shows the stamp of Mary Kurcinka’s experience as a mother and as a teacher.”

– Stella Chess, M.D., Professor of Child Psychiatry
New York Medical Center, and coauthor of Know Your Child

“Ten years ago, I would have paid $1,000 for a copy of Raising Your Spirited Child had I known how much trouble it would have saved me.”

– Debra O’Connor, St. Paul Pioneer Press

“Raising Your Spirited Child is loaded with how-tos — not how to change the child, but how to interact positively and minimize difficulties.”

– Bloomington Pantograph